Welcome to 3rd Grade!

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It's the first post of the new school year! I hope everyone is having a relaxing and fun-filled summer. I have been busy getting ready for the new school year.

Dates to Remember:
Coming Soon!

The classroom is just about ready to go! 

We are going to be spending the first few days learning about each other and learning about the routines and expectations in the classroom. The students will learn quickly that I am very organized and I expect them to be organized as well. But more importantly, I want to foster a classroom community that is willing to work their hardest, make mistakes, support each other and grow together as learners. 

But getting back into the swing of things can be a tough time. I posted this article last year from the Huffington Post called The After-Burn of Starting School. Check it out; it's a good read. 

Helpful Websites 
Peter Noyes School 
Student Web Portal 

Specialist Schedule 
I'm sure you are wondering when we are having the different specialists.  Our specialist time is 11:10-11:50 (the Wednesday time is 10:20-11:00). 

Monday-  Library
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Gym
Thursday- Art
Friday- Spanish

Lunch/Recess and Snack 
3rd-grade recess is 12:10 and lunch is at 12:35. We will have a snack time mid-morning. Please make sure snacks are peanut and tree-nut free.  

School Supplies 
School Kidz will be on your child's desk on the first day of school.  If you did not order your school supplies, please be sure to bring the supplies on August 29. We will spend quite a bit of time organizing and setting up the students' things. You can find the 3rd grade supply list here:

I use a lot of technology in the classroom.  From Google Classroom to iMovie to EduCannon, technology plays a big role in my classroom.  I will often give homework to the students that require them to have access to the internet.  Please let me know if this is a problem and we can figure something out. 

As always, in the beginning of the year, I need to spend time getting to know the students as readers. I use the Daily 5 program as a management system during reading. There are 5 main components to our reading workshop: Teacher Time, Read to Self, Read to Partner, Work on Writing and Word Work. The students will be taught how we get into and keep focus during these times. While the students are working on their choices, I will be working with small groups and assessing. I will begin by making sure the students know how to choose an appropriate book. We use the I-PICK strategy to choose books. Ask your child to explain how to choose a book using I-PICK. 

Writing is an important outlet and I want to make the students excited about writing (no matter how they have felt about it in the past). One way to do this is to have a Writer's Notebook that reflects the writer's personality. 

Being the crafty person I am, I turned this: 

Into this:

We are going to doing a lot in our Writer's Notebook so it is important that it reflects our personalities. We will be working in our Writer's Notebook during both reading workshop and writing. It is a place of creativity and discovery, filled with lists, sketches, short pieces and many other things. 

Also, in writing, I will be introducing the students to the EmPower model for thinking and organizing wiring. You will learn more about EmPower over the course of the year, but I will begin by teaching the students how to evaluate what is being asked of them in order to answer thoughtfully to a writing prompt.

We will be starting our second year with Bridges. When the school year starts, I will send home the Family Letter for the first unit.

We officially adopted the Next Generation Science Standards last year and we will be using a program called STEMScopes. Last year, the students had an opportunity to try out StemScopes last year and they really enjoyed the hands-on aspect of the activities. 

Social Studies 
Social Studies this year focus on Massachusetts history and geography starting with the Pilgrims and Wampanoags. 
